Writing Status: Slow Month

I had high hopes for more writing time this summer. Parenting, gardening, and purging excess stuff have really eaten up June.

However, despite limited time, I’m learning more and more about my craft. I’m starting to hone character development in my novel, and I’ve finished the first draft of a science fiction short story.

Although I do read short stories, I’ve always liked reading novels better. However, it turns out, writing short stories is fun. I’m learning how to make every sentence work, more about pacing the action, how to not complicate things. I’m looking forward to shaping and finishing the short story.

First Draft Almost Complete

My first draft is almost complete.  I’m so close I can see the light of day at the end of the tunnel.  And it won’t be a train wreck!  Well, only so much as first drafts are always train wrecks.

Then, it will be time to revise, and revise.  I’m still not happy with Kindra’s profession.  As a dynamic, assertive, no holds-barred, best friend of our protagonist, none of my job choices for her seem to fit: personal assistant to a wealthy woman, a marketing director (too close to Sifa’s profession), international spy, retail sales… maybe a nurse?

Short Clips from the Novel

I had to cherry-pick some of these clips to avoid spoilers.  Enjoy!

She breathed in the crisp air of fall as she craned her head up. The vibrant light shone through the leaves. Overhead in a blue sky a V of ducks headed southwest, honking faintly in the distance. Autumn was one of her favorite seasons.

They sat, mother and daughter, in silence together in the dull beige waiting room. They watched the hospital staff walking back and forth. Sunlight streamed in a small window nearby, dimmed more and more by clouds passing. The wind was picking up and tossing the tops of the trees back and forth.

Friday night came, and the crew were hard at work. Just outside town an accident sprawled across two lanes of interstate. Cars slowly edged by in the farthermost lane, traffic already heavy for tomorrow’s festival made heavier by the accident. The sky darkened, and the wind picked up speed.

Facebook Vs. Website: Some Personal Notes

My Facebook page has more frequent posts than this website. But, Facebook lends itself well to short posts.

So, here you’ll see longer posts.  You won’t see as many, but hopefully ones with more information you find interesting or useful.

I originally had a plan to post 1-3 posts a week here on this website, but I have since revised that plan.

At this point, I’d rather spend my writing time on my novel, with occasional excerpts captured in my writing journal.  Maybe even kick out another short story, although I’m a bit disappointed not to hear what happened to the last one.

Nanite Short Story in Black Hole?

No news from the competition out of Glasgow. I have no idea whether they’ve accepted my short story into the anthology. Is no news bad news?

I suppose I need to sit on the story for a year, then assume they’ve foregone the rights to it? Er, I’d better go back and read the submission rules on rights.

It’s hard not to let this burn me on writing more short stories.

10 Things You Can Do to Support an Unpublished Writer Online

So, if you’ve ever wondered how to support a writer not yet published? After all, there are tons of ways to support a published author, even beyond buying his or her books.

But for us struggling, not-yet-published writers, what can you do? Turns out, there’s much you can easily do online.
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Writing Progress: Past the Baby Steps

I’ve been taking baby steps in this writing business for the past few months. Now that the following are accomplished, I finally feel like I’m stretching out from baby steps and am now, well, toddling along.

Thanks for your support, and I’d love to hear feedback from you.

If you want to know what have I achieved in terms of baby steps:

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Character Notes: Laura Havenaugh

Here are more notes from my novel in work, this time in connection with Sifa’s mother, Laura Havenaugh. Want to know more? Have a suggestion? Feel free to comment below.

A somewhat short, somewhat thin, not-fat woman with long dark hair, slightly curly. Light olive skin. Suffers from inherited genetic problems including excessive blood clotting that caused her miscarriages. The genetic problems were probably due from ancestral inbreeding in a small rural community in the hills.