Here’s a little backstory on the ship in Salvage, Episode 1.
Brio’s Hope is a solid workhouse of a space transport. It’s old but serviceable, and the crew are used to working in a pinch and using what’s at hand to fix problems.
The small crew consists of the captain, first mate, cargomaster, engineer, doctor, and a new hire. Possibly few other unnamed crew. Most of the crew have been together a long time. While the captain owns the Brio outright, money is tight.
They’ve ferried colonists in the past but not recently, so this trip required some re-tooling.
The ship consists of a cylindrical dome on the front, followed by a ring of crew quarters, then the massive drive and engine, then the cargo holds. At the very end lie the crucial water tanks.
Water onboard is used for drinking and, in limited fashion, for hygiene and cleaning the ship. Water is also used to preserve valuable seedlings and embryonic tanks for the colonists. It’s also used to generate oxygen and in CO2 removal systems. Solid waste is not reclaimed/reprocessed but stored for to be sold for composting later. The colonists worked out a deal for the compost to be used on-planet when they get there.
The Brio uses a water reclamation system that’s usually about 90% effective, but slow. Inefficiency in the system comes from the planned non-use by the crew of solid waste recycling, in oxygen generation, and from losses within the CO2 scrubbers. The colonists brought onboard a system that processes the solid waste into fertilizer, but the process doesn’t reclaim that much water.
So, the Brio has planned water stops along the long route, as well as secondary stops favored by the crew and noted in an open-source database used by most spacecraft