Water Reclamation in Space: Salvage Story Research

Let’s talk some background for the Salvage series: the science facts behind water reclamation in space.

Although the series isn’t meant to be hard science fiction — I’m sure serious pundits can poke holes in the technical aspects a parsec long — here are a few notes about existing technology onboard the International Space Station. 1 Continue reading Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2020 Cindy Rae Johnson

I wasn’t standing in the Oval Office when it happened.  Those upper echelons don’t know I exist.  Didn’t, I mean.

I bet it was quite a shock, though – a hologram appearing out of nowhere just to the right of the Resolute desk?  I would have loved to have seen the expressions on their faces.  Did they think it a prank?  Did they disbelieve their eyes for a split second?

You know bureaucrats.  It took them way too long to figure out it was real – the message and the alien.

If the figure hadn’t been dressed in high fashion – as in Milan – would it have been so incongruous?