Business Plan Introduction

My business plan is meant almost solely for my use (aren’t you glad I’m sharing?), so note the format is more fluid, in more of a rough draft state.

Here’s some excerpts:


I am Cindy Rae Johnson, and Cindy Rae Writes is my business for telling stories.  I write.  I share my stories.  I seek to honor God.  While I do want to make money, I will follow God’s direction first and foremost.

I will focus on science fiction and essays but will make forays into other genres as stories come to me.  I am not concerned with non-fiction or copy at this point. 

Overall, what I write depends on the direction I receive from God.

My business will start out as a sole proprietorship, and it will rely heavily on my author’s platform of, chiefly, a website and Facebook page.  I will write posts, comments, and reviews on social media in support of my platform.

Mission, Values, and Goals

Mission Statement

My mission: to follow God’s instructions to write, crafting entertaining, encouraging, and thought-provoking works of fiction that honor Him.


  1. Christ, God’s work, family and friends
  2. Writing what God wants me to write
  3. Flexibility, diligence, passion, focus
  4. Performance measures: ability to track what works and what doesn’t, and the return on investment

Audience and Competitors

My audience will shift depending on the genre. See individual product plans and individual marketing plans for details.  My competitors are other writers of fiction.

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