In the plan’s novel production process, I created a visual for the steps from draft to book ready.
Hope this helps you.

Where do you find these people to hire?
A very good question.
Here’s my list from the business plan:
- Critiques: partners, AbsoluteWrite, Discord group, form local group
- Alpha readers: S. and ?
- Beta readers: S., AbsoluteWrite, GoodReads beta readers group, BetaReaders Hub on Tumblr
- Editors: Absolute Write, FB message, FB non-writing groups, writing groups, Google search
- DIY cover sites: DIY Book Covers, Canva, or Cover Design Studio
- Cover Designers: per The Creative Penn, or AbsoluteWrite, or writing FB groups
- Formatting: diy for digital
And a list of possible digital publishing entities at the time I composed this p[art of the plan:
- literary agent
- acquisitions editor
- contract department (legal)
- substantive editor
- copy editor
- proofreader (more than one?)
- managing editor
- production manager
- ISBN agency
- typesetter
- cover designer
- art director
- interior layout designer
- copy writer (back cover and catalog)
- printer (a full team involved at the printer)
- warehouse team
- copyright office
- chief financial officer
- marketing director
- publicity personnel
- sales manager
- sales people (multiple in every publishing company)
- special markets sales person
- foreign rights manager
- subsidiary rights manager (often the same person as above)
- accounting
- SEO manager (digital strategies)
- metadata data entry (double check all the details)
- online store coordinator (each “store” a different person)
- brick & mortar store buyers
- online or in-store merchandising manager
- ad designer
View all posts in this series
- Business Plan Overview - September 2, 2019
- What’s Your Writing Business? - September 23, 2019
- Writers: the Audience of Your Business Plan? - November 4, 2019
- Business Plan Introduction - November 11, 2019
- Business Plan: Also in the Introduction, a Catch-all - November 18, 2019
- Business Plan: Production - November 25, 2019
- Business Plan: Production, Draft to Book Ready Glimpse - December 2, 2019
- Operating a Writing Career as a Business: What are the Pieces? - December 9, 2019
- Operating Online: Social Media Operations - December 16, 2019