Scene Planning

As I learn more and more about the craft of writing, I find myself laying out more and more elements for a scene: structure, story elements, plot elements, emotion beats, even Kowal’s yes-but and no-and strategy she mentions on Writing Excuses (Jill Williamson describes it here).

To wrap my brain around it, I turned to Scrivener and fell in love, yet over time it felt clunky and awkward. I waited for Scrivener 3 for Windows with greedy anticipation. And waited and waited

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Writing is a Business: I Have to Talk to Other People?

Come on, you know you know some introverts or shy folks.  Maybe you are even one yourself, like me.

The core of writing is a solitary pursuit, but most of us want financial return.  Part of treating writing as a business is networking with other writers.

How do you go about this?  What are some first steps?  What options will work for you?

Many options exist.  Here are a few:

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