Writing is a Business: I Have to Talk to Other People?

Come on, you know you know some introverts or shy folks.  Maybe you are even one yourself, like me.

The core of writing is a solitary pursuit, but most of us want financial return.  Part of treating writing as a business is networking with other writers.

How do you go about this?  What are some first steps?  What options will work for you?

Many options exist.  Here are a few:

1. Join a Writer’s Forum

One of my first steps in networking was to join a writer’s forum, Absolute Write.  Large forums like AW work well.  You can find posts and comments easily, you have access to a large swath of specialized knowledge, and the subforums are very active.

2. Join Facebook Groups

Writer’s groups on Facebook work at a faster pace than the forums, yet topics tend to be more timely.  It’s easier to catch a valuable nugget of information as it goes by, but harder to preserve it for later reading (or even search for it later).  I like the Business of Being a Writer and Writers Helping Writers, but there are many.

3. Local Groups

I searched high and low for writers’ groups in my area.  It seems I may have to start my own, but you may have a greater chance of finding one in your area, especially in larger metro areas.  These can be support groups or critique groups or business-oriented, so make sure you know what you want out of a group.

4. Other Author’s Social Media

Who is your favorite author in the genre(s) you write in? Can you comment on their blog? On their Facebook posts? Can you review a book on Amazon or Good Reads?  For the most benefit, do it in the spirit of making friends and helping others.

5. Conferences and Workshops

Will your budget stretch to attending in-person conferences? If so, go. If anxious, you don’t have to go for the limelight; look for shy or introverted others at the edges and fringes of the action and strike up a conversation.

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