Salvage: Emmett’s Function

In the first episode of Salvage we are introduced to Emmett. He’s the helmsman and (possible spoiler) assistant medic onboard the long-haul transport, Brio’s Hope.

In the book his function is to tell the parts of the story Kaylah cannot, and to illustrate not only the “coolness” of space but, more critically to the story, how dangerous space travel is.

This plot thread involving the ship through the eyes of Emmett has been on of the most frustrating to nail down. Too much of Emmett’s story lessens the emphasis of the dangers of space travel. Too little impact, and you won’t care much about Emmett.

I’m trying to work him as a foil, too, if possible, in contrast to Kaylah’s lack of power, lack of control, and fearfulness. There’s also a contrast between Emmett’s warmth and the doctor’s coldness.

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