Raw Excerpt from Salvage Part 1

“Hurts,” she tried to mumble. The surface beneath felt hard. The bright lights, even through her eyelids, inflamed the sparks of pain shooting through her skull. Her stomach felt worse.

“Doctor?” her father’s voice, anxious and worried, came from somewhere on her right.

“Oh, she’s fine. The medication keeps her sedated.”


“I said, she’s fine.”

“Perhaps he could give her some water,” Aria suggested.

“I don’t need your help,” snapped the doctor. “But, yes, yes, he can do that much. Bottle and straw there.”

Her head pounded. She tried again to speak. No one noticed.

“Here, Kaylah.”

She felt a straw inserted into her mouth. She tried to swallow, her tongue thick and dry.

“Come on, drink it, honey,” said her father. He gave the bottle a squeeze.

The rush of water was too much. She started choking.

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